Principles of new form least action of generalized nonconservative systems 广义非保守系统的新型最小作用量原理
Maximum no - effect level 最大无作用量
A generalized wave action conservative equation for the dissipative dynamical system over uneven bottoms in the nearshore region 近岸非平整海底上耗散动力系统的广义波作用量守恒方程
Quantization of the non - integrable ( chaotic ) systems of dcn vibration and henon - heiles potential were analyzed by the action integrals of periodic orbits 运用周期轨迹的作用量积分对dcn体系及henon - heiles体系的量子化问题进行研究。
Using the effective action we got in a nuclear matter , we calculate the decay constant / ? and tt mass m - jf as functions of the chemical potential 利用我们得到的核物质中的有效作用量,我们计算了介子的衰变常数和质量,他们都是化学势的函数。