作物: crop生产: produce; manufacture型: mould; model式: type; style农作物生产: crop production作物生产: producing crops作物生产力: crop producing power作物生产技术: crop production technology作物生产潜力: croproductivity potential经济性农作物生产: sustainable croproduction生产型: production configuration; production vat大田农作物生产工作: work of field crop production经济作物生产发展副部长: junior minister for development of tree crops批生产型的: operational configured生产型飞机: production aircraft生产型管理: production-oriented management生产型建筑: production生产型硫化: factory cure生产型设备: plant-size equipment生产型铣床: manufacturing miller生产型项目: productive project生产型值: production offsets预生产型: preproduction version作物生长: plant growth作物生长点: the growing tips of the plant; thegrowingtipsoftheplant