

  • tilt at windmills
  • 作势:    assume a posture; attitudini ...
  • 挑战:    throw down the gauntlet; cha ...
  • 故作姿态:    assume the airs of magnanimi ...
  • 故作姿态:    strike a pose; put on airs; make a deliberate gesture; strike an attitude on purpose 她的拒绝只是故作姿态。 her refusal was merely a deliberate gesture
  • 她的拒绝只是故作姿态:    her refusal was merely a deliberate gesture


        作势:    assume a posture; attitudini ...
        挑战:    throw down the gauntlet; cha ...
        故作姿态:    assume the airs of magnanimi ...
        故作姿态:    strike a pose; put on airs; make a deliberate gesture; strike an attitude on purpose 她的拒绝只是故作姿态。 her refusal was merely a deliberate gesture
        她的拒绝只是故作姿态:    her refusal was merely a deliberate gesture
        作姿态:    gesture
        动作姿态:    act1onandposture
        工作姿态:    operating attitude
        作姿:    pose
        作势:    assume a posture; attitudinize
        挑战:    1.(挑衅) throw down the gauntlet; challenge; challenge to battle 接受挑战 accept the challenge; take up the gauntlet; 向 ... 发出挑战 issue one's challenge to ...; 她带着挑战的目光看着我。 she looked at me with challenge. 新政府当选的合法性受到了反对派的挑战。 the election of the new government was met by a challenge from its opponents.2.(提出竞赛) challenge to a contest; challenge; 挑战书 letter of challenge; challenge
        姿态:    1.(姿势) gesture; posture; one's bearing or carriage; front 画出某人在三种不同姿态时的样子 draw sb. in three postures2.(态度) attitude; pose 高姿态 magnanimity; 低姿态 meanness; 外交姿态 diplomatic gesture; 友好姿态 friendly gesture; 表现出高姿态 show magnanimity; be tolerant; 以一个普通一兵的姿态出现 appear among the masses as an ordinary soldier
        工作姿势:    work posture
        故作的成熟:    der grosse erwachsen
        故作多情:    hoke/hokey; hokey
        故作高深:    pretend to be profound
        故作惊讶:    feign surprise (deliberately); put on a show of surprise
        故作狂佯:    struggle and gesticulate savagely
        故作神秘:    make a mystery of sth
        故作时髦的:    chichi
        故作勇敢,逞能:    bravado
        故作震惊:    with a show of dismay
        故作镇静:    keep a stiff upper lip; put on a show of calmness; try to hide one's dismay; feigning composure; pretend to be calm for a certain purpose; simulate composure with sth. in mind
        故作虔诚:    sanctimony
        致已故作者:    letters to dead authors


  1. "作示意图"英文
  2. "作士"英文
  3. "作事不苟"英文
  4. "作事故的应变计划"英文
  5. "作势"英文
  6. "作适当的变通"英文
  7. "作市场调查"英文
  8. "作手册"英文
  9. "作手势"英文
  10. "作手指画用的颜料。"英文


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