作: rise; get up; stand up了: finish; complete; end; fulfi ...规定: stipulate; provide其: his第二: second编: weave; plait; braid以: use; take所有权: proprietary rights; ownershi ...他: he物: thing; matter; object权: counterpoise; weight power; ...所有权及风险: title and risk家庭财产所有权及其平等保护法: home ownership and equity protection act物权, 财产所有权: ownership of property他物权: iura in re aliena; iurainrealiena; jus in re aliena; over the property of another; right over other persons property水果及其他物品: beverage fruits and other objects第二编: part two现场占有权及其通道: possession of site and access thereto留置权及其他权利负担: liens and other encumbrances他物权遗赠: legatum iurium in re aliena; legatumiuriuminrealiena突出栏杆及其他物件于领地的权利: jus projiciendi不丧失价值选择权及其他选择权: non-forfeiture and other options其他物料: unclassified stores缩短了规定时间: cut the planned time防止倾倒废物及其他物质污染海洋的公约: convention on the prevention of marine pollution by dumping of wastes and other matters