As a key part of the port crane , slew bearing ' s fault has a negative impact on the efficiency of the whole product line , as well as great direct and indirect loss . because of its compact structure , direct observation and frequent disassembly are not available for monitoring and routine management 大型回转轴承装置是港口起重设备的关键部件,一旦发生故障,会影响整个作业线生产,带来巨大的直接和间接损失,而其大型、封闭的结构又决定了不能依靠直接观察和频繁拆卸来对其进行故障监测,这就给大型回转轴承装置的日常管理带来了困难。
作业线: operating line; production l ...生产: produce; manufacture流水作业线生产: tact system production装配作业线生产: assembly line operation生产作业线: production line试生产作业线: pilot line作业线: construction line; futoszalag; operating line; operation line; processing line生产线生产: productionscale生产线加工线流水作业线: production line香肠生产流水作业线: continuous sausage line廉线生产: continuous production; flow production流水线生产: assembly line production; continuous line production; continuous-flow production; flow line production; production runs; streamlined production毛线生产线: wool production line米线生产线: production line for rice noodle making在线生产: online production; production on line装配线生产: assemblyline production拆骨作业线: boning line常化作业线: normalizing line淬火作业线: quenching line底盖作业线: top and bottom line镀锌作业线: galvanizing line飞剪作业线: flying shear line分类作业线: assorting line封罐作业线: seaming line罐身作业线: body line