

发音:   用"作业划分"造句
  • job dividing
  • 作业:    school assignment
  • 划分:    divide; partition; repartiti ...
  • 按行业划分:    grouped by sector
  • 划分:    1.(分成部分) divide; partition; repartition 划分势力范围 carve out spheres of influence; 划分行政区域 divide a country into administrative areas2.(区别) differentiate 划分敌友 differentiate between the enemy and the friend
  • 作业:    1.(功课) school assignment 家庭作业 homework; 改作业 correct students' papers; 做作业 do one's assignment2.军事活动或生产活动) work; job; task; operation; production 水下作业 underwater operation; 野外作业 field work; 作业班 work team; 作业簿 operating log; 作业灯 working light; 作业段 job step; 作业计划 operative plan; production plan; 作业区 crops; operation area; 作业线 operating line; production line; 作业小组 a work group


  1. Already divided the job into subjobs , it is easy to understand the deployment structure
  2. A client can subdivide the total job into smaller subjobs for scattering among the servers
  3. The author uses the technique of generalized network plan and the key line methods to divide the boiler installation item and build configuration model , adopts the p3 in the building pingliang power plant project to realize the dynamic management of this installation plan , and give news of the project schedule , plan and material to the power plant by the computer network to help the manager


        作业:    school assignment
        划分:    divide; partition; repartiti ...
        按行业划分:    grouped by sector
        划分:    1.(分成部分) divide; partition; repartition 划分势力范围 carve out spheres of influence; 划分行政区域 divide a country into administrative areas2.(区别) differentiate 划分敌友 differentiate between the enemy and the friend
        作业:    1.(功课) school assignment 家庭作业 homework; 改作业 correct students' papers; 做作业 do one's assignment2.军事活动或生产活动) work; job; task; operation; production 水下作业 underwater operation; 野外作业 field work; 作业班 work team; 作业簿 operating log; 作业灯 working light; 作业段 job step; 作业计划 operative plan; production plan; 作业区 crops; operation area; 作业线 operating line; production line; 作业小组 a work group
        按……划分:    grouped by
        分,划分:    dividatur
        瓜分, 划分:    carve sth up; carve up
        划分出:    mark off; mark out
        划分的:    dividing; divisiory
        划分栏:    plot bar
        划分树:    partition tree
        划分数:    number of partitions
        划分图:    partition map
        划分为:    abce; acd; bcd
        划分者:    divider
        划分制:    sharing system
        集划分:    set partition
        库划分:    library partition
        类划分:    equivalence partitioning
        区划分:    zone division
        图划分:    graphic partitioning
        再划分:    redividerepartition; repartition
        主划分:    main partition; principal partition
        按比例划分:    proportionment


  1. "作业规划与管制"英文
  2. "作业规模"英文
  3. "作业海图"英文
  4. "作业号"英文
  5. "作业后的"英文
  6. "作业环境"英文
  7. "作业环境砌体检测报警仪通用技术要求"英文
  8. "作业环境气体检测报警仪通用技术要求"英文
  9. "作业恢复"英文
  10. "作业会计"英文


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