To understand yeshe tsogyal we first have to look towards guru rinpoche the lotus born who is an emanation of amitabha , a buddha form that represents how lust and desire can be transmuted into wisdom 莲花生大士是无量寿佛阿弥陀佛的化身?传奇性的一生印证了透过修持佛法我们能够转化娑婆世界为清静佛刹。
佛: the Buddha刹: put on the brakes; stop; che ...佛沙治: versecz; werschetz佛森: thomas jefferson佛山: foshan cn; fuo佛瑟法尿素合成过程: fauser urea synthesis process佛山宾馆: foshan hotel佛瑟法: fauserprocess佛山电子工业集团总公司: foshan electronics industry group佛瑟-蒙特卡蒂尼法制合成气过程: fauser-montecatini process佛山电子有限公司: foshan electronics co., ltd佛塞斯: alastair forsyth; bill forsyth