美: beautiful; pretty婷: graceful诺美婷: meridia; reductil; sibutramine伊美婷: imedeen何美道: wsnlm何美玲: ho, mei ling jo jo; jo jo ho; mei-ling ho; sannia ho mei-ling何美美: mei-mei ho何美萍: meiping he何美钿: he mei tian; meitian he陈默和美婷: chen mo and meiting; chen mo he meiting陈默与美婷: chen mo and mei ting; chen mo and meiting何门奎思之剑: death breath sword何蒙库鲁兹: homunculus何蒙莎: hermosa何梦笔: carsten herrmann-pillath; herrmann-pillath何梅先 上海: he meixian