体育: physical culture; physical t ...精神: vigour; vitality; drive在: exist; be living头顶: vertex; top; crown; skull; t ...体育精神: athleticism; sportsmanship体育精神团队: best sportsmanship team在头顶上面的: overhead在头顶上的;架空的: overhead豆象象(学生戴在头顶的)小帽。: bean weevil很多鸟在头顶上空盘旋: a number of birds are circling overhead体育的精神: lesson the sporting spirit神顶山: shending shan头顶: vertex; top; crown; skull; the top of the head; the crown of the head体育道德精神: sportsmanship育精囊: sperm cyst; spermatogonial cyst精神病医疗体育: exercise therapy in mental disease在头版: on the front page在头上: overhead在头天: on the previous/following evening后头顶: alavertex头顶疮: poll-evil头顶的: vertexal; vertical头顶灯: overhead light头顶点: vertex头顶骨: parietal bones