的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...容积的,体积的: volumetric测定体积的: volumetric大体积的: bulky; large-volume; massive大体积的水: bulk water等体积的: equivoluminal; isometric容量的;体积的: volumetric(al)实体积的: bulked down等容的,等体积的: isovolumic(测量流体体积的)仪表: meters单位体积的含量: load per unit of volume等密度线;等体积的: isopycnic等体积的块状图: isometric block diagram具有立方体积的: having the volume of a cube with sides of the specified length立方体的, 立方的, 体积的: cubical量劈材体积的单位: cord体积的正常变异: normal variation in volume梗塞体积的闪烁照相测量: scintigraphic measurement of infarct volume梗死体积的闪烁照相测量: scintigraphic measurement of infarct vol-ume使用体积的空间描述: shape description by volume体积的标准数理公式: standard mathematical volume formulae岩石单位体积的质量: kg/m只占空气体积的千分之几: neon a rare gas in the air takes only fractional percentage point of the volume作用体积的空间描述: shape description by volume空隙度(空隙体积与粒子体积的和): fractional void