住: live; lodge; reside; accommo ...自己: oneself房屋: houses; buildings; eco-; oec ...住自己房子的房主: person who owns the house he lives in控制不住自己: to be carried away寻找出租房屋者: house hunter抑制住自己的感情: am uone's feelings她在自己房内暗暗落泪: she wept in the privacy of her own room我在自己房里是安全的: i'm safer in my room控制不住自己的脾气: out of temper你租房赚还是住自己的房: do you rent an apartment or own it她几乎克制不住自己: she can hardly restrain herself聪明的人每时每刻都会记住自己的朋友: a fool ,only when he has need of them; a wise man remembers his friends at all times我勃然大怒简直控制不住自己: i had a fit of rage i could hardly control myself我能记住自己家的电话号码: i remember my telephone number拆屋者: housebreaker租屋者: house-renter她此时按捺不住自己料想一定是凶多吉少: she could now no longer contain herself and was convinced that some disaster was impending她再也控制不住自己的感情便痛哭了一场: she could no longer hold her emotions in leash and she had a good cry给自己的房屋保火险: insure one's house against fire承包拆屋者: demolisher; housebreaker租地造屋者: superficiary房屋: houses; buildings; eco-; oeco-; -ecious; -ecium 用砖建造的房屋 brick house; 拆迁房屋 take a house to pieces to set it up elsewhere; 腾空房屋 vacate a house; empty a house; 大小适中的房屋 moderate-sized house; 这所房屋租给我们以前是谁住的? who occupied this house before it was let to us? 许多房屋被飓风摧毁。 many buildings were demolished by a hurricane自己: 1.(代词, 复指前头的名词或代词) oneself 生自己的气 be angry with oneself; 自己揭穿自己 expose oneself; 自己说了算 consider one's own words as final; 学习主要靠自己努力。 success in study mainly depends on one's own efforts. 自己的衣服自己洗。everybody washes his own clothes.门怎么自己开了? how did the door open by itself?2.(亲近的; 关系密切的) of one's own side; closely related 自己弟兄 one's own brothers房屋;上述房屋: premises