Comfortable, inexpensive lodgings are offered . 舒服而价廉的住宿处,人人都可享受。
Then one dog from the party heads back to the hospice to get a full rescue team 狗群中的另一只狗并回去旅客住宿处求救。
A supervised , inexpensive lodging place for travelers , especially young travelers 旅社,招待所供给旅行者,特别是青年旅行者的受监督的便宜的住宿处
The saint bernard was used as an avalanche and rescue dog in the snowy passes near the hospice 人们在雪崩时用它们来当救护狗,可以在旅客住宿处的雪地上看见它们。
These evacuees say that in addition to finding food and shelter , they are getting support from their neighbors , which is helping them get through this major disruption to the lives 这些避难者说,除了寻找食物和住宿处,他们还从邻居那需求帮助,这些邻居帮助他们度过人生中巨大的难关。
住宿: stay; put up; stop at; get a ...处: place临时住宿处: lodging; pied-a-terre旅客住宿处: hospice临时住宿处,寓所: lodging〔美俚〕临时住宿处,栖身处。: crash pad住宿: stay; put up; stop at; get accommodation; lodging 给学生安排住宿 arrange accommodation for the students; 住宿加早餐 bed and breakfast; 他今晚可以在这里住宿。 he can put up here for the night. 大学生大部分在校住宿。 most college students are boarders.; 住宿登记卡 registration card; 住宿地方 overnight accommodation寄宿处: accommodation; lodgement工人寄宿处: laborers lodging供膳寄宿处: boarding house供膳的寄宿处: boarding house廉价的寄宿处: chealodging house or hotel dosshousee在寄宿处吃饭: board in提出,住宿: lodge张贴,住宿: put up住处;住宿: accommodation住宿,食宿: accommodation住宿,住处: unterkunft, die; ..e住宿驳: hotel barge住宿船: accommodation hulk; dormitory ship; floating living quarter; house scow; houseboat; quarter boat住宿费: homestay住宿卡: registration card住宿难: housinghardship住宿区: dormitory block住宿舍: living in a dormitory