The feature is evenly heat conduction due to the extra thickness on the base , it makes the food not easily sticky 特别加厚的低部具有传热均匀的特点,使食物不易粘底。
Marked thickening of interlobular septa predominantly inoling the lung bases is isible on both supine and prone scans 显著增厚的小叶间隔主要位于肺的基低部,仰卧位和俯卧位均可见(见图3 、图5 ) 。
An mri on dec . 29th showed a tumor the size of a golf ball in the cerebellum ( lower part of the brain ) , close to the brain stem 在12月29日,核磁共振表明,在他的小脑(脑的低部)有一个高尔夫球大小的肿瘤,就挨着脑干。
But these forces increase as we go higher , so that we have a spiral which in defiance of reason rests upon the apex and not on the base 但这些小世界会随着本人地位的提高,越张越大,就象一个倒金字塔,其低部是尖的,全凭运动的平衡力来支撑它。
Displacement ventilation also has higher energy using ration than other supply air systems , ie it has higher temperature effectiveness , and that displacement ventilation system always has part quantity of heat lying upside area of room , air supply outlet lies at low side , supply air direct come into workaround , and only absorb heat and humid of workaround , assure satisfaction of the design conditions of workaround 对于置换通风其节能性也优于其它的送风方式,即其温度效率高,而且置换通风总有部分热量处于房间上部区域,送风口设在低部,送入空气直接进入工作区,只是吸收了工作区的热、湿量,保证工作区的气象参数满足要求。