Hypoglycemia is sometimes a prominent clinical manifestation . 低血糖症有时是显著的临床表现。
An abnormally low level of glucose in the blood 低血糖症血液中葡萄糖不正常地低含量
In the intensive insulin group , 17 percent had severe hypoglycemia compared to just 4 percent of those on standard insulin therapy 在强化胰岛素治疗组, 17的患者出现了严重低血糖症而标准胰岛素治疗组仅4出现。
Patients in the study had the condition , but the transplants diminished their hypoglycemic attacks , even when the cells were only partly effective 研究中的患者都有上述情况,但在细胞移植后,甚至即便在这些细胞只有部分发挥作用时,他们都免受了低血糖症的困扰。
Warning 警告 : pregnant or lactating women , diabetics , hypoglycemics , and people with known medical conditions and / or taking drugs , should consult with a licensed physician and / or pharmacist prior to taking dietary supplements 怀孕或哺乳期女性、糖尿病患者、低血糖症者以及正在接受治疗的人群使用前应该先咨询医生、药剂师。