The spectral region in the red or near infrared will be emphasized, because this is a region of low loss for optical fibers and therefore of interest for optical communication systems . 着重研究光谱区域是红及近红外波段,因为这是光学纤维低损耗的区域,也就是对光通信系统有意义的区域。
Model 3102 mechanical pressure switch with low leakage rate 低损耗率的机械压力开关
Low dissipation factor , high ripple current 低损耗角正切,高纹波电流。
Mechanical pressure switch with low leakage rate 低损耗率的机械压力开关
With high performance , low loss , and energy saving merits 2高性能,低损耗,具有节能低耗优点。