位: place; location错: wrong; mistaken; erroneous的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...排列: arrange; rank; place; range; ...位错的传播: propagation of dislocations位错的弹性: elastic位错的钉扎: anchoring of dislocation; anchoringofdislocation位错的分解: decomposition of dislocations; dissociation of dislocations位错的俘获: trapping of dislocation位错的割阶: jogs in dislocations位错的割切: crossing of dislocations位错的结构: structure of dislocation位错的收缩: contraction of dislocation位错的消除: annihilation of dislocations位错的运动: dislocation movement位错的增殖: multiplication of dislocation位错的障碍: obstruction of dislocations位错的振荡: oscillation of dislocations无位错的: dislocation free标序的排列: unnumbered lists电极的排列: arrangement of electrodes根团的排列: alignment of radical管子的排列: distribution of pipe基牙的排列: arrangement of abutment视图的排列: arrangement of views; combination of views