About 150 players from 55 countries ( 99 boys and 56 girls ) are expected to participate in the 2001 world junior u20 chess championship , august 16 - 29 in athens , greece 来自55个国家的大约150位棋手( 99位男子和56位女子)将参加8月16 29日在希腊雅典举行的20岁一下2001年国际象棋世界青年锦标赛。
位: place; location棋手: chess player棋手: chess player 不高明的棋手 a poor hand at chesschess棋手: chess player 不高明的棋手 a poor hand at棋手库: player list棋手谱: sgf象棋手: chess player二级棋手: second player高明的棋手: a good chess player工程棋手: engineering draughts person九段棋手: nine dan chess player围棋棋手: go players限定棋手: player restrictions优秀象棋手: a good chess player不高明的棋手: a poor hand at chess国际象棋棋手: chess players韩国围棋棋手: south korean go players美女棋手徐莹: xy日本围棋棋手: japanese go players围棋棋手列表: go players虚拟西洋棋手: virtual kasparov中国围棋棋手: chinese go players最优秀棋手奖: mvp法国国际象棋棋手: french chess players高段棋手之尊号: grand master