To permit parallel import will help open the market , eliminate trade barriers , and make movement of goods easy . a s more and more chinese enterpri ses have become internationalized , the author emphasizes the necessity of china ' s enterprises taking counter - measures to protect their interests in parallel import cases 在现有法律框架下,在《商标法》中制定允许平行进口但有例外规定的法律并在《海关保护条例》中制定相应保护程序的立法构想,以解决商标权人、进口商、消费者利益平衡问题,商标权权利用尽与商标权的地域性矛盾问题,平行进口与公平竞争问题。
但: only; just; merely有: 5年 fifteen years例外: exception有孔材 一般阔叶树材称之,但有例外者: porous wood不许有例外: make no exceptions没有例外,无一例外: no exception不容许有例外: make no exceptions凡事总有例外: i would not waste my time pursuing that; there should always be exceptions to the rule凡事总有例外300: i would not waste my time pursuing that规章虽全,总有例外: There is no rule without exception.规章虽全总有例外: there is no rule without exception任何法规均有例外: there is no general rule without some exception; there is no medicine against death有规则必有例外: there is no rule without an exception没有一条规则没有例外: no rule without an exception属公正的所有例外者除外: saving all just exceptions例外: exception 毫无例外 without exception; 例外法规 exception law; 例外管理技术 management by exception technique; 例外开支 an unusual expense -- of a sum not usually met with; 例外清单 exception list; 例外事件 exceptional case;例外原则 exception principle; 例外咨询 exception inquiry有例可援: there is a precedent to quote.; with a precedent for that但有一件事: but there is one thing非例外: unexceptional例外”采购: exception purchase例外;异常: exception例外;异议: exception例外簇: exceptional variety例外的: exceptionally; exceptive; unusual例外地: abnormally; exceptionally