但: only; just; merely在: exist; be living阳光: sunlight; sunshine; sunbeam中: hit; fit exactly你: you得: need玩: play; have fun; amuse onesel ...这个: this one; this游戏: recreation; game但在阳光中,你就得玩这个游戏: but in the sun, you';ve got to play the game; but in the sun, you've got to play the game; ve got to play the game在阳光中,你仍追寻玩这个游戏: but in the sun, you';ve got to play the game; but in the sun, you've got to play the game; ve got to play the game你就得玩这个游戏: but in the sun you've got to play the game但在阳光中: but in the sun you've got to play the game但在感情的世界下,你就要玩这个游戏: but in the sun, you've got to play the game; ve got to play the game但在阳光中,你还是得继续这场游戏: but in the sun, you've got to play the game你就要玩这个游戏: but in the sun you've got to play the game你仍追寻玩这个游戏: but in the sun you've got to play the game但在感情的世界下,你就要玩这个游: but in the sun, you';ve got to play the game在阳光中: but in the sun you've got to play the game在阳光中的雨: rain in the sun在阳光中开始: staring at the sun这个游戏的: npc邀请别人玩这个游戏积累的点数之类的东西: my cyberpoints定要在阳光中绽放: has to flourish in the light在阳光中慢慢逝去: like dying in the sun