Senator donahue, with a half smile, put his paper down . 参议员唐纳休似笑非笑地放下了他的文件。
"what a fool i am," she said at last, with something between a sob and a laugh . “我有多傻,”最后她似哭非哭,似笑非笑地说。
Yet for a long while he sat unmoving, his feet chilly in the dew, drank on the memory of her lost, half-smiling face . 可是他还呆呆地坐了很久,让两只脚在寒露里冻着,回味着她那迷惘的,似笑非笑的脸。
" what a fool i am , " she said at last , with something between a sob and a laugh “我有多傻, ”最后她似哭非哭,似笑非笑地说。
Ever since the beginning of lunch he had seemed to be sleeping with open eyes and a vague smile on his lips 从午饭一开始,他似乎在睁着眼睛打盹儿,脸上似笑非笑。
似: be similar; look like笑: smile; laugh孙笑非: xiaofei sun真笑话并非笑话: a true jest is no jest真正的笑语决非笑话: a true jest is no jest似斜视虫超科: ilaenuracea似小柱的: columelliform似斜视虫属: illaenurus似小泡虫属: buliminoides似蟹的: cancrine似小潘德尔牙形石属: pandorinellina似蟹的似蟹行般的: crablike似小克里特介属: parakrithella似锌的: zincky; zincoid; zincous; zincy似小厚垣孢子: chlamydo-aleuria