似乎: it seems; as if; seemingly; ...都: capital懂: understand; know的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...人: human being; man; person; pe ...似乎什么都懂的人: jack of all trades似乎什: jack of all trades什麽都学的人,什麽也学不到-富勒: he that sips of many arts,drinks none.-fuller连傻子都懂的: foolproof什麽都不干: sit on one's hands do nothing什麽都可以: anything goes什麽都知道: to know everything is to know nothing来这 我什麽都要: come here. i need all我什麽都不懂: i didn’t know nothing当你什麽都没说: when you say nothing at all假装什麽都没看见: and pretend that he just doesn't see什麽都不成问题: i believe i can什麽都不能阻止我: nothing can stop me一如什麽都不知道: to know everything is to know nothing当你在化生武器,似乎什么事: when im in your arms, nothing seems to matter我今天什麽都不对劲: i am not myself today以为自己什麽都知道: but i thought i knew everything有你在,我什麽都不害怕: you're here, there's nothing i fear懂的: wise自以为样样都懂而实际上幼稚的人: sophomore