Our cat, luck, was mother's companion at the end . 我们的猫露西是母亲晚年的伴儿。
The time passed so lightly in this good company, that i began to be almost reconciled to my residence at shaw . 有了这样绝佳的伴儿,时光轻松地一闪就过去了,我几乎甘心情愿地想在肖府定居下来了。
He was a most amusing companion and though you knew he was perfectly worthless you could not but enjoy his society . 他是个十分有趣的伴儿。尽管你明知这个人一钱不值,你还是情不自禁地喜欢和他在一起。
When two ' s company , three ' s the result 俩人一起做个伴儿时,结果往往会变成三个人
But it does teach them the value of company 但也让他学到了,有个伴儿的重要
伴儿的韩语:[명사] 동료. 반려. 벗. 짝. 学xué伴儿; 학교 친구 伙huǒ伴儿; 동반자. 동료 同tóng伴儿; 동반자. 동행자 老lǎo伴儿; 영감 또는 할멈 [노부부들이 서로 상대방을 일컫는 말] 跟他做伴儿上北京去; 그와 동행인이 되어 북경으로 가다 该找个伴儿了, 不然生活太寂寞; 반려자를 구해야지, 그렇지 않으면 생활이 너무 적막하다伴儿的俄语:pinyin:bànr товарищ, компаньон, спутник