I met him by chance at canterbury cathedral . 我是在坎特伯雷大教堂偶然地碰到过他。
Stauffenbery was confident that it would blast adolf hitler to pieces . 斯陶芬伯雷相信这颗炸弹会把阿道夫希特勒炸得粉身碎骨。
Rabelais, like a torrent of burning, shouting, laughing lava, burst through all the dignities and decencies of the pedants . 拉伯雷象一股熔岩的洪流,燃烧着,狂喊着,大笑着,冲开了腐儒们的一切高贵气派和繁文缛节。
But he ' ii grow , mrs . sowerberry . he ' ii grow 但他会长大的,苏尔伯雷太太会长大的
Liberal terms , mr . sowerberry . liberal terms 报酬很可观,苏尔伯雷先生,很可观