仲叔: a surname 仲叔圉 zhongshu yu伯仲: [书面语] (指兄弟的次第) brothers; elder and younger 伯仲之间 almost on a par; about the same; equally matched; 相伯仲 be much the same仲叔醇: secondary-tertiary alcohol仲叔圉: zhongshu yu卞伯仲: bian bozhong伯仲醇: primary-secondary alcohol滑伯仲: huabo zhong相伯仲: be much the same芮伯仲: ruibo zhong伯仲之间: almost on a par不相伯仲: neck and neck难分伯仲: too close to call你的技艺与我不相伯仲: you perform at my level伯州: a surname 伯州远 bozhou yuan伯州远: bozhou yuan伯重郎: hakujuro伯朱冈: bajugaon伯重: hakuju伯兹: beuze; the byrds; the pas伯治郎: hakujiro