伦敦: London人: human being; man; person; pe ...住: live; lodge; reside; accommo ...区: H region; H伦敦人居住区: cockneydom伦敦人: cockneydom; londoner伦敦人的: cockney伦敦人派头: cockneyism伦敦人特性: cockneyfy伦敦人行道: sidewalks of london伦敦人的方言: dialect spoken by cockneys伦敦人的派头: cockneyism伦敦人的幽默: cockney humour slang wit伦敦人气派的: cockney伦敦人才信息网: human resource group london; human resource group, london加拿大伦敦人寿保险公司: canada london life insurance co使具有伦敦人的特性: cockneyfy伦敦人道主义问题行动纲领: london programme of action on humanitarian issues住区: moujas之住人: l'arc-en-ciel无限之住人: blade of the immortal限之住人: blade of the immortal伦敦: london◇伦敦到岸价格条件 london landed terms; 伦敦黄金市场 london gold market; london bullion market; 伦敦交易所 royal exchange; 伦敦商品交易所 london commodity exchange; 伦敦条款(保险) london clause; 伦敦贴现市场 london discount market; 伦敦贴现市场同业公会 london discount market association; 伦敦外汇市场 london foreign exchange market; 伦敦五金交易所 london market exchange; 伦敦卸岸条件 london landed terms; 伦敦银行同业优惠利率 london interbank offered rate; 伦敦预托证券 london depository receipts; 伦敦仲裁法院 london court of arbitration城郊之住宅区: subrub居住区: cld; dwelling district; ecumene; housing area; micropolitan; place of abode; populated area; populated country; residence quarter; residential area; residential belt; residential community; residential district; residential quarter; settlement