伤口愈合: wound healing不良: bad; harmful; undesirable; u ...伤口愈合: intention; occlusion of wounds; the healing of a wound; wound healing角膜伤口愈合: corneal wound healing伤口愈合分类: classification of wound healing骨折愈合不良: malunion of fracture伤口愈合的胶原代谢: collagen metabolism in wound healing它将在我的伤口愈合之前伤害更坏: it's gonna hurt bad before it gets better促创口愈合的: conglutinant; consolidant促使创口愈合的: conglutinant抱合不良: division into filaments铆合不良: defective to staking; defectivetostaking; poor staking; poorstaking配合不良: misfit; poor fit融合不良: poor hot melting熔合不良: faulty fusion; lack of fusion; rack of fusion贴合不良: poor sealing重合不良: misregistration耦合不良: defective coupling伤口不会愈合: the wound that would not heal伤口二期愈合: secondary wound healing伤口三期愈合: tertiary wound healing伤口一期愈合: primary wound healing未愈合的伤口: a green wound; green wound不良愈合: faulty union动态重合不良: dynamic misregistration