传统: tradition any tube-shaped pa ...倾: incline; lean; bend弃: throw away; discard; abandon ...办法: method; means; measure; quom ...不: a block of wood压实: compaction; ramming; densifi ...不压实的垃圾场: uncompacted tip; uncompactedtip传统按揭办法: conventional mortgage倾弃: ti ing; tipping我举目四顾,但没有办法不看到你: i look around but it's you i can't replace压实: compaction; ramming; densification不压泵: hydraulic pump不压缩: pcm倾弃场: dumping site办法: method; means; measure; quomodo; road; way 土办法 native [indigenous; local] methods; 采取有效的办法来改进工作 adopt [take] effective measures to improve one's work即时按揭与传统按揭办法互换: swopping between immediate mortgage and conventional mortgage传统: (世代相传、具有特点的社会因素, 如风俗、道德、思想、作风、艺术、制度等) tradition; convention 革命传统 revolutionary tradition; 传统观念 traditional ideas [concepts]; 传统剧目 traditional theatrical pieces; traditional opera [drama]; 传统看法 traditional [conventional] viewpoint; 传统习惯 traditional customs; 传统势力 traditional force; 传统友谊 traditional (ties of) friendship 不压井作业: snubbing serving不压缩格式: uncompressed image format强宾不压主: however strong the guest might be, he should not overbear his host艺多不压身: deeds not words非法倾弃: illegal tipping; phantom dumping; unlawful dumping; unlawfuldumping海洋倾弃: ocean dumping垃圾倾弃: garbage dumping露天倾弃: open dumping