

发音:   用"传球路线"造句


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  1. This hand guards against the passing lane , this hand protects the crossover
  2. Suffocate that pass
  3. If / when a defender denies or disrupts the passing lane , back cut to the basket or screen away
  4. The remaining four midfielders clog up the middle and are going to put pressure on the ball carrier
  5. Passes went awry , no one seemed to understand what anyone else was doing , we were reduced to putting in long balls forward rather than constructing moves as is our wont


        传球:    pass the ball
        路线:    route; itinerary; way; tail; ...
        封死传球路线:    cut off the passing lines
        下接传球路线:    immediate passing angles
        传球路线防守影响力:    passlane defense effectiveness
        扣球路线:    spike course
        运球路线:    dribbler’s path
        球路:    course of action; course of ball; shots
        传球:    [体育] pass 低手传球 underhand pass; 反手传球 reverse pass; 反弹传球 bounce pass; 横传球 parallel pass; cross rink pass (冰球); lateral pass; 后传球 back pass (冰球); 间接传球 indirect pass; 肩上传球 shoulder pass; 凌空传球 volley pass; 手腕传球 snap pass; 头上传球 overhead pass; 斜传球 diagonal pass; 直接传球 direct pass
        路线:    1.(从一地到另一地所经过的道路) route; itinerary; way; tail; line 旅行的路线 the route of a journey; 参观路线图 visitors' itinerary; 世界贸易路线 world trade route; 攀登者试图寻出一条通到山顶的新路线。 the climbers tried to find a new route to the top of the mountain.2.(思想上、政治上或工作上所遵循的根本途径) line 教育路线 a line in education; 政治路线 a political line; 两条路线的斗争 the struggle between the two lines; 路线标记 routing indicator; 路线测绘 reconnaissance survey;路线测量 [土] route survey; 路线石 kerb stone; 路线图 [图] route chart; line map; itinerary map
        改变球路:    change direction of the ball
        平坦球路:    flat course
        球路沟渠:    ditch
        球路障碍:    hazard
        球路中的沟:    ditch
        缩短球路:    short cut
        中间球路:    through the green
        长传球, 远传球:    long pass
        了解球路情况:    local knowledge
        球路最高记录:    course record
        有起伏的球路:    up down
        长传球:    gambling pass; lob shot; long pass; pass into space
        传球给:    feed
        传球人:    passer
        传球者:    passer; thrower


  1. "传球角度"英文
  2. "传球进攻"英文
  3. "传球精确度"英文
  4. "传球力量"英文
  5. "传球领前"英文
  6. "传球路线防守影响力"英文
  7. "传球目标"英文
  8. "传球能力"英文
  9. "传球人"英文
  10. "传球失误"英文


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