- parachute accident
- 事故: malfunction; trouble; fault; ...
- 伞降: airdrop; descend; dropping; nylon letdown; parachute descent
- 伞降区: jump area
- 海面升降事件: eustatic event
- 事故: malfunction; trouble; fault; failure; mistake; accident; mishap 造成事故 bring about an accident; 减少事故 cut down accident; 预防事故 provide against accidents; 交通事故 traffic accident; 一次事故使他双目失明。 his blindness is the result of an accident.; 事故保险 accident insurance; 事故调查 accident investigation; 事故防止 accident prevention; 事故分析 accident analysis; 事故监督 fault control; 事故预防 accident prevention; 事故自动刹车装置 deadman device; 事故自动停机手柄 deadman's handle