

发音:   用"会计恒等"造句
  • accounting identity


        会计:    accounting; accountancy
        恒等:    identically equal; identical
        会计恒等式:    accounting equation / accounting identity; accounting equation/accounting identity; accounting identity
        财务会计恒等式:    financial accounting identities
        基本会计恒等式:    fundamental accounting equation
        交易与会计恒等式:    business transactions and accounting equation
        会计方程式, 会计恒等式:    accounting equation
        (会计恒等式):资产=负债+所有者权益。:    accounting equation
        恒等:    [数学] identically equal; identical◇恒等变换 identical transformation; 恒等代换 identical substitution; identity substitution; 恒等方程 identical equation; 恒等公式 identical formula; 恒等号 identity symbol; 恒等式 [数学] identity; identical equation; identical relation; 恒等算子 identity operator; 恒等网络 identical network; 恒等元素 identical element; 恒等运算 identity operation
        统计恒性:    statistical regularity
        非恒等:    nonidentical
        恒等的:    identically equal; widentical
        恒等号:    identity sign
        恒等量:    identical quantity
        恒等律:    identity law
        恒等门:    identity gate
        恒等式:    identical equation; identical relation; identitaet identity; identity (mathematics)
        恒等图:    asymmetrical graph; identity graph
        恒等线:    contouring
        恒等形:    identical figures
        恒等性:    identicalness; identity
        电感计恒定律:    conservation law of electric charge
        统计恒性法则:    law of statistical constancy; lawofstatisticalconstancy
        会计:    1.(会计工作) accounting; accountancy 财务会计 financial accounting; 成本会计 cost accounting; 工业会计 industrial accounting; 税务会计 tax accounting2.(会计人员) accountant; bookkeeper; 会计报表 accounting statement; 会计报告 accounting report; 会计成本管理 accounting cost control; 会计成本监督 accounting cost control; 会计程序 accounting procedure; 会计单位 accounting unit; 会计档案 accounting archives; accounting file; 会计法 accountancy law; accounting law; accounting act; 会计法案 accounting legislation; 会计法规 accounting code; 会计方法 accounting method; 会计分析 analysis of financial statement; 会计功能 accounting function; 会计管理 management through accounting; 会计规程 accounting manual; accounting regulations; accounting rule; 会计汇率 accounting rate; 会计计算机 accounting machine; clerical machine; 会计监督 accounting control; accounting supervision; 会计检查 auditing; 会计结算期 accounting period; 会计决算报表 statement of final accounts; final accounting statements; 会计科 accountant's department; accounting department; 会计科目 accounting item; account title; 会计科目表 card of accounting; 会计年度 account year; accounting year; fiscal year;financial year; 会计凭单 accounting document; accounting voucher; 会计人员 accountant; 会计实务 accounting practice; 会计事项 accounting event; 会计室 accountant's office; 会计手册 account manual; 会计体系 accounting system; 会计统驳 accounting control; 会计系统 accounting system; 会计信息 accounting information; 会计选择 accounting option; 会计学 accounting; 会计业务 accounting event; 会计原理 accounting principle; 会计原则 accounting principles; 会计员 purse bearer; 会计运算 accounting operation; 会计帐簿 account book; 会计证据 accounting evidence; 会计职务 accountantship; 会计制度 accounting system; system of account; 会计主任 controller of accounts; 会计助理员 assistant accountant
        jarzynski恒等式:    jarzynski equality


  1. "会计和商业管理"英文
  2. "会计和商业研究"英文
  3. "会计和审计"英文
  4. "会计和审计发展咨委会"英文
  5. "会计和信息系统"英文
  6. "会计恒等式"英文
  7. "会计环境"英文
  8. "会计汇率"英文
  9. "会计活动"英文
  10. "会计或财务专业本科毕业"英文


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