Article 7 accounting for the postal savings and remittances business managed by chunghwa post shall be handled independently 第7条中华邮政公司经营之邮政储金汇兑业务,其会计帐务应独立处理之。
For example , why can t the accounts receivable person also record accounting information and deposit payments instead of sending checks to another department 例如,为何收款人员不能登录会计帐务及存放款,来替代传送支票给其他部门?
Excuse me , the duty wu of the branch registers date to whether become independent , if , so , the branch should undertake cent of business accounting form sets accounting credit wu becoming independent , all income that turn into head office formerly reach charge to if , wait can apportion had better be divided ; after can be being absolved so need not troublesome 请问,分公司的税务登记号是否独立的,若是,那么,分公司应进行独立核算形式分设会计帐务,原转入总公司的所有收入及费用等若能分摊就最好分;这样可免除以后不必的麻烦。