

发音:   用"会心一击"造句


  1. Dwarven rage ( level 2 ) - all attacks are critical hits for 3 seconds . 2 seconds / level . 65 spirit
    矮人之怒(要求等级2级) 3秒内所有攻击都是会心一击。每升一级增加2秒,消耗65点精神。
  2. [ color = blue ] dwarven rage [ / color ] ( level 2 ) - all attacks are critical hits for 3 seconds . + 2 seconds / level . 65 spirit
    矮人之怒(要求等级2级) 3秒内所有攻击都是会心一击。每升一级增加2秒,消耗65点精神。
  3. Dreadful countenance i ? your opponent begins to feel a sense of dread within them . incoming critical + 5 % and all resistances reduced
    恐惧面容1级?你的目标开始感到死亡气息,提高对他们的会心一击率5 %并且各种抗性下降。
  4. Your opponent ' s fear of you mounts as does the debilitation caused by it . incoming critical + 7 % , all resistances reduced and incoming spiritual damage + 5 %
    恐惧面容2级?你的目标开始感到衰弱,提高对他们的会心一击率7 % ,各种抗性下降,并且精神攻击+ 5 % 。
  5. The samurai attacks with great speed and ferocity , granting a significant bonus to hit . highly skilled samurai have a small chance to land a critical strike when using lightning strike



  1. "会心"英文
  2. "会心桥"英文
  3. "会心石"英文
  4. "会心团体"英文
  5. "会心微笑"英文
  6. "会心一惊"英文
  7. "会心一笑"英文
  8. "会心莞尔"英文
  9. "会星"英文
  10. "会兴木业股份有限公司"英文


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