This is why we offer a membership to our customers 这是我们为顾客提供会员资格的理由。
Of the wilton public - gregg 会员资格的
By the time their membership comes up for renewal , that $ 600 is a distant memory 到了要续签会员资格的时候,上次付出的600美元已成为遥远的记忆。
Upgrade plan orders may be placed for previously held legacy licenses through the sixth month of the membership 可在具有会员资格的六个月内,为先前获得的原有许可证订购升级计划。
Conveniently , it is the time of the year , where such a trial print may serve as a very personal fathers day photo 显示他,它是可能驾驶异乎寻常的汽车没有风险道德或财政拥有他们,我希望给他会员资格的
会员资格: the status of a member; memb ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...适合俱乐部会员资格的: clubbable会员资格: fellowship; member---membership; membership准会员资格: associate membership剥夺会员资格: unchurch会员资格申请: membershiapplication会员资格维持: maintenance of membership会员资格作品: diplomapiece取消会员资格: deprive sb. of his membership丧失会员资格: forfeit one's membership终身会员资格: life membership会员资格;全体会员: membership剥夺教会会员资格: unchurch强制性会员资格: compulsory membership专业团体会员资格: membership in professional bodyasme团体会员资格标志: asme collective membershimark工会会员资格保留条款: maintenance of membership你的会员资格被取消了。: message.your.membership.revoked强制性工会会员资格: compulsory union membership证券交易所会员资格: seat on the exchange财务专业人员协会会员资格: afp membership个人财务咨询师全国协会会员资格: napfa membership皇家放射医师学会会员资格: fellowship of the royal college of radiologists全国无偿服务会计师协会会员资格: naapi membership