优先: take precedence; have priori ...发展: develop; expand; grow; burge ...公共运输: public transport公共运输: mass transit; public transportation公共运输网: public transport network公共运输业: traction公共运输者: common carrier大量公共运输: mass public transportation公共运输工具: common carriage公共运输设备: a public conveyance公共运输业者: public hauler市内公共运输: transportation utilities公共交通, 公共运输: public transit教育优先发展: give priority to the development of education优先发展重点: development priorities纽约市公共运输局: new york city transit authority先进公共运输系统: advanced public transportation services apts; advanced public transportation system优先发展信息产业: give priority to the development of the information industry优先发展重工业: priority development of heavy industry公共运输服务和营运规划: public transportation service and operations planning国际公共运输联合会: international union of public transport; uitp科特迪瓦公共运输公司: societe ivoirienne de transports publics科威特公共运输公司: kuwait public transport沙特阿拉伯公共运输公司: saptco; saudi arabian public transport co共运输: cotransport; symport