This is outrageous ! everything here is the private property of hughes productions 简直让人无法容忍这里的每样东西都是休斯公司的私人财产
Phelan found out that the source of the leak in the hughes organisation had been gregson bautzer . he gave dietrich this titbit of information , and dietrich the roof 费伦发现是格雷格森?鲍泽泄露了休斯公司的机密。于是他把这一重要的情报给了迪特里希,迪特里希知道后极为生气。
Built on hughes network s direcpc satellite platform provided by chinacast , teacher . com . cn also draws on the internet and networking strengths of sina . com , as well as the systems integration and software competencies of tvh 继续教育网采用双威网络提供的休斯公司direcpc卫星平台,结合新浪网地面互联网络平台的优势,并利用宏昌科技在系统集成及软件开发上的力量,成功建立了目前在国内最先进的远程教育平台。
The ministry of labour and social security has therefore initiated discussions with chinacast in the lead up to the signing of an agreement in december 2002 . it is agreed that chinacast would establish 16 broadcast stations in cooperation with local vocational training institutes , and the vocational training content developed by the ministry would be delivered to the 8 provinces on hughes network s direcpc satellite platform provided by chinacast 劳保部为解决西部培训资源不足,于二零零二年十二月与chinacast达成合作协议,在八个省区选择16个职业培训机构,建立远程培训广播站点,由chinacast提供美国休斯公司的direcpc卫星平台,利用宽频互动传输渠道,将劳保部中国就业技术指导中心的课程内容,以便捷经济的方式向整个西部放送。