伊拉克: Iraq系列: succession; series; bank; se ...袭击: make a surprise attack on; a ...伤亡惨重: suffer heavy casualties造成: give rise to; bring about; c ...多: many; much; more人: human being; man; person; pe ...死亡: die; breathe one's last; dea ...车祸造成很多人死亡: car accident caused many deaths多人死亡火灾: multiple death fire一系列袭击事件中的最近一次事件: the latest in a series of attacks惨重的伤亡: heavy casualties; heavy casualty重造成本: cost of reproduction罗拉克系统: lorac system德国上空的飞机相撞造成数十人死亡: dozens believed dead in plane collision over germany伊拉克,伊拉克: my country, my country费密-狄拉克系统: fermi-dirac system一百万人死亡: megadeath重造成本减折旧: cost of reproduction less depreciation伊拉克: iraq◇伊拉克人 iraqidiscovery杀手坦克系列: killer tanks惨重: heavy; grievous; disastrous; calamitous 惨重的失败 a disastrous defeat; 伤亡惨重 suffer heavy casualties; 损失惨重 (suffer) heavy [grievous] losses但幸好无人死亡: it was a bad crash but fortunately there were no fatalities故意伤害致人死亡: intentional infliction of bodily injury resulting in a person"s death; intentional infliction of bodily injury resulting in a person's death; intentional infliction of bodily injury resulting in a person's death还得多少人死亡: and how many deaths will it take till we know,; how many deaths will it take