伊: he or she湖: lake学院: college; academy; institute; ...伊利湖: eire l; erie l; lake erie; lakeerie森林湖学院: lake forest college伊利湖战役: battle of lake erie巢湖学院学报: journal of chaohu collgeg(多伦多五湖学院,安省: great lakes college of toronto福雷斯特湖学院: lake forest college伊利湖号巡洋舰: uss lake erie贝西默伊利湖铁路公司: bessemer & lake eerie railway利湖: lee lake学院,伊利诺伊斯: monmouthmonmouth college, monmouth illinois; wheatonwheaton college, wheaton illinois伊利诺伊学院: illinois college伊利诺理工学院: illinois institute of technology伊利诺斯理工学院: illinois institute of technology伊利诺伊理工学院: illinois institute of technology伊利诺斯州理工学院: illinois institute of technology伊利诺伊本尼迪克汀学院: illinois benedictine college伊利诺伊东北州立学院: northeastern illinois state college伊利诺伊斯理工学院: illinois institute of technology伊利诺伊州科学院汇刊: transactions of the illinois state academy of science伊利: elie; ely, minnesota; ely, nevada; elysian; erie county; erie, pennsylvania; fort erie, ontario; igli; ihly robert; ilii; illi; jilly巴利湖: bally lake; barlee布利湖: bullea lake