企业: enterprise; establishment; b ...并合: combination; coalesce; coale ...企业并合差益: profit from merger多行业企业并合: conglomerate merger促进企业并合税收抵免: promoting mergers tax credit企业并购: ma; m~a mergers and acquisitions大中小企业并举: simultaneous development of large, medium-sized and small enterprises; develop big, medium-sized and small enterprises simultaneously中央和地方企业并举: simultaneous development of national and local enterprises并合: combination; [生物学] coalesce; [气象学] coalescence; syntaxis; fusion企业并购中的财务风险分析: analysis of financial risk in mergers and acquisition工农业并举: simultaneous development of industry and agriculture并合步: chasse并合的: composite; fused并合核: fusion nucleus并合律: combination law并合率: coalescence efficiency并合面: combined surface; combining surface并合纱: multi-folded yarn并合图: conjunction graphs并合星: merger; merging star; mergingstar核并合: nuclear fusion胚并合: embryo fusion; embryofusion字并合: monogramming作业并行处理: job parallel process并合变形体: fused plasmodium