- price revolution
- 价格: price; tariff
- 革命: revolution; revolutionary
- 革命: revolution; revolutionary 革命到底 carry the revolution through to the end; 革命干劲 revolutionary impetus; 革命气概 revolutionary spirit; 革命气节 revolutionary integrity; 革命热情 revolutionary fervour; 敢挑革命重担 dare to shoulder heavy responsibilities for the revolution; 革命加拼命 revolutionary enthusiasm plus death-defying spirit; 被压迫的人民纷纷起来革命。 the oppressed people are rising in revolution wave upon wave.; 革命暴力 revolutionary violence; 革命博物馆 revolutionary museum; 革命传统 revolutionary tradition; 革命导师 a teacher of the revolution; 革命道路 revolutionary road; 革命动力 motive force of revolution; 革命对象 targets of the revolution; 革命风格 revolutionary style; 革命歌曲 revolutionary song; 革命根据地 revolutionary base areas; 革命公墓 cemetery for revolutionaries; 革命家 revolutionary; revolutionist; 革命化 revolutionize; do sth. in a revolutionary way; make more revolutionary; 革命回忆录 reminiscences of earlier revolutionary times; 革命军 revolutionary army; 革命军人 revolutionary armyman; 革命浪漫主义 revolutionary romanticism; 革命乐观主义 revolutionary optimism; 革命理论 revolutionary theory; 革命烈士 revolutionary martyr; 革命领导权 revolutionary leadership; 革命领袖 revolutionary leader; 革命派 revolutionaries; 革命青年 revolutionary youth; 革命人道主义 revolutionary humanitarianism; 革命任务 task of revolution; 革命实践 revolutionary practice; 革命首创精神 the revolutionary pioneering spirit; 革命同盟军 revolutionary allied forces; 革命危机 revolutionary crisis; 革命委员会 revolutionary committee; 革命现实主义 revolutionary realism; 革命形势 revolutionary situation; 革命性 revolutionary nature; revolutionary character; 革命英雄主义 revolutionary heroism; 革命运动 revolutionary movement; 革命战争 revolutionary war; 革命者 revolutionary; 革命知识分子 revolutionary intellectual
- 价格: price; tariff 标明价格 mark (goods) with a price tag; have goods clearly priced; 国家规定价格 state-set price; 浮动价格 floating price; 议价价格 free price; negotiated price; 优惠价格 favoured price; 价格持平 price parity; 给某物定价格 assign [fix] a price to sth.; 降低价格 reduce a price; 算出价格 figure out a price; 提高价格 raise a price; 调整价格 readjust a price; 稳定商品价格 squeeze the price of commodity; 影响价格 affect the price; 告诉我价格。 let me know the price. 这是你能接受的最低价格吗? is this the lowest price you can take? 这两条船价格相等。 the two boats are of a price.; 价格暴跌 drastic fall in prices; sharp drop in prices; 价格暴涨 spurt in prices; price hikes; 价格比值 price proportion; 价格标签 price tag; 价格波动 fluctuations in prices; 价格补贴 price subsidy; subsidies for the purchase prices of; price bonification; state subsidies to offset price; price subsidies from the state; 价格不符 variation in prices; 价格差别 [差价] price difference; 价格差额 price margin; 价格放开 relax control over the prices; relax price controls; 价格分析 price analysis; 价格幅度 price band; price range; 价格符合价值 price corresponds to its value; correspondance between price and value; bring prices into conformity with value; 价格改革 price reform; 价格杠杆 lever of price; 价格公道 at fair price; 价格管理 price control; 价格管理体制 price management system; price control system; 价格行情 price quotations; 价格检查 price check; 价格剪刀差 price scissors differential; price scissors between; scissors movement of prices; 价格战[竞争] price war; rate war; 价格猛涨 price boom; 价格目录 catalog of prices; 价格体系 price [pricing] system; 价格调整 price adjustment; 价格稳定 price steadiness; 价格预测 price expectation; 价格涨落 price fluctuations; 价格政策 price [pricing] policy
- 革命的,革命者: revolutionary