Article 28 should provide that if the depositary is of the opinion that a particular transaction exceeds the powers or rights of the manager or is , for example , in contravention of the investment orientation of the fund , the depositary should require the manager to cancel the transaction or make a corresponding purchase or sale of the securities to restore the fund to its previous position at the manager s expense Jegadeeshkg与titman 1993在对资产股票组合的中间收益进行研究时发现,以3至12个月为间隔所构造的股票组合的中间收益呈连续性,即中间价格具有向某一方向连续的动量效应。事实上,美国价值线排名value line rankings就是动量交易策略利用的例证。
Backgroud and purpose in 1982 , stock index future was firstly created by kcbt ( kansas city board of trade ) , which was named as value line index future . since then , stock index future has always been developing rapidly , and the stock index future has became the important part of financial market . the development of stock index future has always been promoting the perfection and deepening of the financial market 一、选题背景和意义自1982年美国堪萨斯城期货交易所kcbt首先推出价值线指数期货合约起,股指期货在全世界范围内得到迅速的发展,股指期货市场已经成为金融市场的重要组成部分,其发展推动了金融市场的深化和市场机制的完善。
Following the introduction of kansas city value line index future ( kcvlif ) in february 24 , 1982 , stock index futures has been developed quickly around the world . the market of stock index futures has been the main component of the financial market , it promotes the deepening of the financial market and the perfection of the market mechanism 自1982年2月24日美国堪萨斯城期货交易所( kcbt )首次推出价值线综合指数期货合约后,股指期货在全世界范围内得到了迅速发展,股指期货市场已成为金融市场的重要组成部分,它推动了金融市场的深化和市场机制的完善。
价值: value线: thread; string; wire价值线投资概览法: vl value line investment survey价值线指数期货: vlf等值线: constant value line; magnitude contours; isoline; isoneph峰值线: peak level恒值线: contour价值: 1.[经] (体现在商品里的社会必要劳动) value 保险价值 insurance price; 存货价值 inventory price; 交换价值 exchange value; 经济价值 economic value; 票面价值 face value; 商业价值 commercial value; 申报价值 declared value; 剩余价值 surplus value; 使用价值 use value; 现行价值 current value2.(值多少钱) cost; be worth 这台精密仪器价值一万元。 this precision instrument is worth 10,000 yuan.3.(积极作用) worth; value 毫无价值 completely worthless; 他的工作没有价值。 his work has no value. 它的价值无法用金钱来衡量。 it's value cannot be weighed in the scale of dollars and cents. 我们应阅读真正有价值的书籍。 we should read books of real worth.; 价值标准 standard of value; 价值尺度 measure of value; 价值分析 value analysis; 价值构成 value composition; 价值观 values; 价值观念 concept of value; values; 价值规范 criteria of value; 价值规律 law of value; 价值量 magnitude of value; 价值实体 substance of value; entity with a value; 价值属性 property of value 伴流等值线: curve of equal wake fraction报废等值线: abandonment contour闭合等值线: closed contour变温等值线: thermisopleth; thermoisopleth变压等值线: isophasm of pressure打点等值线: dotted contour等比值线: isomers等卡值线: isocals等热值线: isocal等水值线: hydroisopleth等值线 等直线: isarithm等值线地图: isoline map; isolinemap等值线法: isoline method; isolinemethod等值线分析: contour analysis等值线偏移: contour migration等值线软件: contour software等值线图: ccontourplot; chorisogram; chorisopleth; choropleth; contour chart; contour diagram; contour plot; equivalent contour map; isarithmic map; isoline map; isopleth map; kate-isallobar