以: use; take规: instrument for drawing circl ...为: support; stand for缜: careful; deliberate; meticul ...以规避: newspeak以规定距离排列的: spaced在合同中予以规定: to be stipulated in the contract战略,以规模价值,你马上: strategies to scale your value immediately以打乱一些常规为代价: at some sacrifice of regularity隔开的;以规定距离排列的;间隔排列的: spaced实施机动以规避导弹的攻击: outmaneuver the missile他改变话题以规避我们的问题: he dodged our questions by changing the subject以硅橡胶植入物行咽整形术: pharyngoplasty with silastic implant以硅油为主要成分的油: silicone-base oil以归还投资: investment returned以广招徕: inordertopromotepatronageorsales以国家为焦点的政策: country focus policy以广流传: so that it may spread far and wide extensively以国家为中心的世界: state-centric world以广见闻: widen one