以: use; take登: ascend; mount; scale子: son贺登子: katoko伊登子: itoko佐登子: satoko负铃蹬登子: stepping on bench判决……依照该协议条款予以登录: judgment . . . be entered in terms of the agreement以堤防堵挡: embank以灯火诱捕鸟: batfowl以堤围绕: embank以的速度: the speed of以低沉单调的声音唱赞美诗: drone a hymn以的名义: in the name of以低价提供: underbid以的代价: the price of以低沈的说: grunt以德治国: run the country by virtue; to run the country by combining the rule of law with the rule of virtue