Kuen is good at kung fu , but betrayed by tung . jenny was molested by tiger . . 阿权武功不凡,决定以暴易暴,可是李国楝为求自保,出卖了阿权。
Find chances to praise her for being friendly . avoid preaching and never use punitive methods when handling conflicts between children 处理时不要纵容孩子,也不要长篇大论说道理,更不应以暴易暴,责打孩子。
But the gang head does not let them go away . he kills the rascal and rapes coco . her angry father determines to take revenge by his own . . 她与一古惑仔展开一段出污泥而不染的爱情,但黑帮大佬却要置她们于死地,其父被迫以暴易暴
Sean vetter vin diesel and demetrius hicks larenz tate are a pair of dea agents who think they ve made the bust of a lifetime when they capture gu . . 3x反恐暴族班底逼埋墙特警忍无可忍,眼火爆理智全面失控誓要以暴易暴,赶尽杀绝美国和墨西哥的边境的荒漠地带,由于地理位置.
At the same time , cop sam and his team of detectives , lam , keo , cheung and wai , got their orders and arrived the crime scene to investigate . wai soon found pang with his intuition and started pursuit . the two men became like two wild dogs to attack each other , neither one wanting to stop until the other side fell 一兵一贼各走极端,却因为一宗法官太太被买凶谋杀案而碰头,二人互相追捕互相角力,更以暴易暴,伟的同僚逐一被鹏所杀,伟的怒火怨恨燃至沸点,狗咬狗般的厮杀一发不可收拾
交易暴露: transaction exposure易暴发的: fiery施以暴力: do violence以暴力夺取: rescue以暴制暴: violence must be met by violence巴以暴力事件: israeli-palestinian violence以悲哀的声调: in voice以报价带动: quote driven; quote-driven以悲惨的形式: in tragedy以报复相威胁: threatening to retaliate以卑鄙的手段欺骗: dirty trick以饱私囊: fill one's pocket以卑鄙的手段陷害: backstab以保险箱为抵: against the box
以暴易暴的日语:〈成〉暴をもって暴にかえる.支配者が交替しても暴政に変わりがないこと.以暴易暴的韩语:【성어】 (1)난폭한 임금을 제거하기 위하여 난폭한 수단을 쓰다. (2)악한 자를 또 다른 악한 자로 갈아 바꾸다.以暴易暴的俄语:pinyin:yǐbàoyìbào заменять насилие насилием же; устранять зло, но заменять его другим злом以暴易暴什么意思:yǐ bào yì bào 【解释】用残暴势力代替残暴势力。指统治者换了,暴虐的统治没有改变。 【出处】《史记·伯夷列传》:“经暴易暴兮,不知其非矣。” 【拼音码】ybyb 【用法】偏正式;作谓语、定语;含贬义 【英文】substitute one tyrant with another