以: use; take台: tower架: frame; rack; shelf; stand存放: leave with; leave in sb.'s c ...物品: article; goods的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...仓库: storehouse; warehouse; depos ...免费存放物品: free storage of articles储放什一税农产品的仓库。: tithe barn货架存放期: shelf life加温的仓库: heated storage空闲的仓库: free depot存放台架: abstellstand架存,药架上存放的: on shelf玉蜀黍的仓库: corncrib机械化供应的仓库: mechanized magazine箕斗储矿石的仓库: skibunker物品的混淆: confusion the goods物品的建模: game item modeling物品的名字: name物品的重量: weight存放架 带卷垛存台架: storagerack存放在仓库里: deposit in a warehouse江岸新建的仓库鳞次栉比: row upon row of newly built warehouses line the waterfront燃烧的仓库上耀眼的火光: the lurid glow of the blazing warehouse