以: use; take双语教学: bilingual education的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...学校: school; educational institut ...以积极的方式优待采用母语教学的学校: positive discrimination for mother tongue teaching schools论双语教学: on bilingual teaching双语教学研究: on bilingual teaching of the course electric power and drives课程的双语教学: bilingual education-problems and countermeasures课程双语教学初探: discussion of bilingual teaching on course of international trade practices双语教学研究初探: on bilingual teaching for materials molding technology base course一般本科院校专业课双语教学的几个问题: problems on bilingual teaching of colleges'major courses英语教学的产生: rising of english language teaching英语教学的目标: teaching aim生物化学双语教学探索: exploration of bilingual teaching of biochemistry信息检索课双语教学探讨: bilingual teaching investigation of information retrieval course民族学校俄语教学: russkii yazyk v natsionalnoi shkole关于开展双语教学和几个问题: some issues in biligual teaching会计专业双语教学效果的调查与分析: the survey and analysis of bilingual teaching effects in accounting specialty计算机专业课程双语教学改革初探: elementary research on bilingual teaching in computer science course兼论壮族地区双语教学问题: on the differences of word order between chinese and the zhuang language浅议双语教学在医学职业教育中的实施: talking about bilingual teaching in the implement of medical vocational education世纪财经专业课程双语教学模式构建: setting uof 21st century finance and economics subjects bilingual teaching研究生医学信息检索课双语教学: bilingual teaching of medical information retrieval course for postgraduate students双语教育: bilingual education; bilingualism双语教育局: department of bilingual education