

发音:   用"令系列"造句
  • command & conquer series
  • :    order; command; decree
  • 系列:    succession; series; bank; se ...
  • 终极动员令系列:    command & conquer series
  • 系列:    succession; series; bank; set; set family; train 一系列的灾难 a succession of disasters; 一系列的问题 a series of problems; 一系列政策 a whole set of policies; 系列试题 test series; 运载系列 vehicle series; 系列化 seriation; 系列产品 series of products; 系列词源 serial homology; (产品) 系列化 serialization of products; systematization; seriate
  • 复杂指令系:    cisc complex instruction set computing


        :    order; command; decree
        系列:    succession; series; bank; se ...
        终极动员令系列:    command & conquer series
        系列:    succession; series; bank; set; set family; train 一系列的灾难 a succession of disasters; 一系列的问题 a series of problems; 一系列政策 a whole set of policies; 系列试题 test series; 运载系列 vehicle series; 系列化 seriation; 系列产品 series of products; 系列词源 serial homology; (产品) 系列化 serialization of products; systematization; seriate
        复杂指令系:    cisc complex instruction set computing
        号信令系统:    ccitt signaling system no
        宏指令系统:    macroinstruction system; macroinstructionsystem
        巨指令系统:    system macroinstruction; system, macroinstruction
        口令系统:    password system
        命令系统:    command system
        声指令系统:    acoustical command system
        信令系统:    ss signaling system
        信令系统7:    ss7
        指令系数:    command factor
        指令系统:    code repertoire; command system; instruction repertoire; instruction repertory; instruction set; instruction system; instructon set; order set; repertory instruction; set of instructions
        饱和信令系统:    saturation signaling system
        变长指令系统:    variable-length instruction set
        多频信令系统:    ssmf signaling system multi-frequency; ssmf signaling system, multi-frequency
        浮点指令系统:    floating-point instruction set
        复杂指令系统:    cisc; complex instruction set
        共路信令系统:    ccss common channel signaling system; common channel signaling system no.ccsno
        国内信令系统:    national signaling system
        基本指令系统:    basic instruction set
        机器指令系统:    machine instruction set
        简化指令系统:    risc


  1. "令我信服"英文
  2. "令我厌恶的工作"英文
  3. "令我郁郁寡欢"英文
  4. "令我窒息"英文
  5. "令我作呕"英文
  6. "令携带文件出庭的传召出庭令状"英文
  7. "令刑事被告出庭候审所发出的令状"英文
  8. "令行禁止"英文
  9. "令眩惑"英文
  10. "令夜晚亮得如白昼"英文


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