令: order; command; decree我: I; my; me失望: lose hope你太令我失望了: you let me down别叫我失望: dont let me down; p;down别让我失望: dont let me down; god works; so don’t let me down你让我失望: that’s you let me down; you failed me让我失望: let me down; letting me down letting me down letting me down使我失望: letting me down, letting me down真让我失望: i‘m very disappointed这令我很失望: a: i'm disappointed by your lack of effort on this project不要让我失望: don't let me down你会让我失望: that you'll let me down你将让我失望: that you let me down你让我失望了: you let me down请别让我失望: please don't disappoint me. *disappoint可别让我失望喔: don't le me down你会不会让我失望: would you ever let me down爱你,所以请别让我失望: love you, so don't let me down是否你依然会让我失望: would you ever let me down请不要让我失望,让我看到光明: don"t let me down helme see the light噢!漂亮宝贝,我祈求你别让我失望: oh pretty baby, don't bring me down, i pray失望: 1.(感到没有希望) lose hope; beyond (all) hope 医生们对他的痊愈失望了。 the doctors could hold out no hope of his recovery.2.(因希望落空而不愉快) disappointed 令人失望 disappointing; 对某事失望 disappointment at sth.; 极度的失望 terrible disappointment; 她无法掩饰自己失望的情绪。 she couldn't hide her disappointment. 我们失望极了。 our disappointment was complete让我失: i just keeletting me down letting me down letting me down; letting me down letting me down letting me down我失眠: i’m suffering from insomnia