They looked down from a giddy height 他们从令人眩晕的高度往下看。
The truth is , we are all born with potential greatness and blessed with numerous oppoutunities to dizzying new heights 事实上,我们所有人生来都有巨大的潜力,享有无数的机会,可以达到令人眩晕的新高度。
After a year of stunning successes by nasa ' s twin mars rovers spirit and opportunity , it is hard to remember just how much tension surrounded the two landings 在看过“勇气号”和“机遇号”这对nasa的火星探测“孪生子”一年来令人眩晕的成功后,人们很难回想起萦绕在它们着陆那一刻的紧张与不安。
Stanley kubrick s cosmic metaphor of human evolution is a stunning visual achievement . four academy award nominations including best director , best original story and screenplay , and best special visual effects 库布里克关于人类进化的宇宙比喻是令人眩晕的视觉成就。获得四项奥斯卡奖,包括最佳导演、最佳原创剧本、最佳视觉特效。
令人: make one眩晕: circumgyration; swim; giddin ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...从令人眩晕的高处俯视: look down from a giddy height眩晕的: dizzy; swimming; swimmy; vertiginous防眩晕的: antidinic防止眩晕的: antidinic引起眩晕的: swimmy有眩晕的: vertiginous致眩晕的: vertiginous前倾性眩晕的: prevertiginous有眩晕的感觉: feel a sensation of dizziness使目标眩晕的时间: stun length头晕眼花的,眩晕的: dizzy漂亮迷人的,令人眩惑的: dazzling晕的: areolar眩晕: circumgyration; swim; giddiness; vertigo; staggers; megrim; dizziness 一阵眩晕 a fit of dizziness使人眩目的: blinding不晕的: aplanatic等晕的: isoplanatic昏晕的: silly具晕的: aureolate头晕的: dizzy; giddy; happy; light headed; light in the head; light-headed微晕的: faintish令人: make one 令人怀疑 open to suspicion; 令人钦佩 admirable; 令人深省 make one deep in thought; 令人厌烦 bore one to tears