

  • substitute block system


        代用:    substitute
        闭塞:    stop up; close up
        :    type; style
        闭塞代用法:    block applied method
        路牌闭塞式:    tablet block system
        牌券闭塞式:    tablet and ticket block system
        闭塞式发酵罐:    closed fermenter
        闭塞式封油系统:    dead end flushing system
        代用:    substitute 代用材料 substitute materials; alternate material; ersatz materials; 代用品 substitute; substitution; adultment (石油); 代用饲料 substituted foods
        闭塞:    1.(堵塞) stop up; close up 鼻孔闭塞 with one's nose stuffed up2.(交通不便) hard to get to; out-of-the-way; inaccessible 以前这一带交通闭塞。 in the past this district was very hard to get to.3.(消息不灵通) unenlightened; out of touch 耳目闭塞 uninformed; ignorant; 消息闭塞 ill-informed4.[电学] blocking; blockage; bottoming; emphraxis; occlusion; occlusio oblitelation; paralysis; rejection; seclusion
        专用闭环网络:    cpn closed private network
        代用币:    magnetic tickeet; token
        代用布:    substitute fabric
        代用材:    substitute wood
        代用的:    ersatz; jackleg; just-as-good; substitutional; substitutive; synthetic
        代用舵:    substitute rudder
        代用钢:    alternate steel; alternative steel; emergency steel; substitute steel
        代用件:    replace parts
        代用名:    makeshift
        代用票:    substituting ticket
        代用品:    alternative; dummy; ersatz; imitant; standby; strategic goods; substituent; substitute articles; substitute goods; substitute products; substitutes; substitution goods; substitutor; succedaneum; surrogate
        代用旗:    substitute flag
        代用券:    token
        代用水:    substitute water
        代用税:    alternative duty; alternative tax


  1. "代永"英文
  2. "代用"英文
  3. "代用白金"英文
  4. "代用白金一种铁镍合金"英文
  5. "代用币"英文
  6. "代用标志"英文
  7. "代用标准"英文
  8. "代用标准物质"英文
  9. "代用标准系列"英文
  10. "代用标准液"英文


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