This system does not have limit cycles . the approach handling the system is characteristic polynomial . in this paper , we discuss fifth - order binary forms 1 )属于无环系统,研究无环系统的主要工具是特征多项式,上述系统的特征多项式是二元五次代数多项式。
We can find a polynomial model of a time series in case its associated matrix is not diagonal and not of full rank by using the transformations of the exponential and the logarithm 对于不能对角和不满秩的时间序列矩阵,运用指数对数的可逆变换及相关的列变换化为满秩可对角的时间序列矩阵,从而找到代数多项式模型。
In chapter ii , first , we give a concise account of the theory of algebraic invariant . second , by using the methods of algebraic invariants , we get the classifications of fifth - order binary forms 第二章首先简单介绍代数不变式思想;然后利用代数不变式的思想,对二元五次代数多项式进行代数分类;最后由此得到系统的12种标准形。